Investment Pipeline

The main activity of Meta Estate Trust company is oriented towards investments and involves several essential stages. The process begins with identifying opportunities, followed by analysis, structuring, and negotiation. These represent what is called "pipeline management".

Name Type Equity investment
Residential project by Redport Capital Partnership with Developer 1,000,000 €
Apartments 6rd District Bucharest Early Stage 150,000 €
Apartments 3rd District Bucharest Early Stage 200,000 €
Penny Shop Income producing 1,500,000 €
Penny Shop Income producing 1,200,000 €
Penny Shop Income producing 1,270,000 €
Penny Shop Income producing 1,100,000 €
Retail Park Income producing 3,000,000 €

Portfolio diversification

Portfolio structure

Our investment team consists of a CEO, Deputy CEO, Director of Investments, and an Investment Analyst. We work together to identify and evaluate market opportunities. Each member brings different expertise and skills, allowing us to analyze each investment in detail.

We select opportunities that align with our objectives and criteria. We are dedicated to efficiently managing all these opportunities.